Othello (Blog 6)
By: William Shakespeare
In Act IV, Scene 2, readers can better-understand the external conflict between Roderigo and Iago. Apparently, Roderigo has been giving jewels to Iago to give to Desdemona. "I tell you 'tis not very well. I will make myself known to Desdemona. If she will return me my jewels, I will give over my suit and repent my unlawful solicitation. If not, assure yourself I will seek satisfaction of you" (IV.ii.194-197). Roderigo tells Iago that if he finds out that he hasn't been giving the jewels to Desdemona, he is going to go after him. At first, Roderigo was under the impression that he and Iago were working together. Now, he realizes that Iago really might not be helping him at all. This is how the external conflict developed. Roderigo appears to be the first character to recognize Iago and his evil ways. Iago only wants to benefit himself, but he pretends to help others to gain more for himself. This scene left me curious. Is Roderigo going to end up going after Iago? Will Roderigo's threat stop Iago from continuing his plan?
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